The latest CG technology

Computer-generated (CG) imagery has come a long way since the early days of computer graphics. Today, CG technology is used to create stunning visuals for movies, games, advertising, and more. In this blog post, we will explore some of the latest developments and trends in CG technology, and show you some examples of how they are used in various media.

One of the most impressive advances in CG technology is the use of real-time ray tracing, which simulates the behavior of light in a realistic way. Ray tracing can create photorealistic reflections, shadows, and global illumination effects that enhance the immersion and realism of CG scenes. Ray tracing is especially useful for creating realistic materials, such as metal, glass, water, and skin. For example.

Ray tracing is also used in movies, such as the recent Disney animated film Raya and the Last Dragon, which features a rich and diverse fantasy world with detailed environments and characters. Here is a clip from the movie that showcases the ray tracing effects:

Another exciting development in CG technology is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to generate and manipulate images and videos. AI and ML can be used to create realistic faces, bodies, and animations that are indistinguishable from real humans. For example, here is a video from the company Digital Domain, which shows how they created a digital version of actor Will Smith for the movie Gemini Man:

AI and ML can also be used to enhance existing images and videos, such as restoring old footage, removing unwanted objects, changing backgrounds, and more. For example, here is a video from the company DeepMind, which shows how they used a neural network to generate realistic lip sync for dubbed videos:

These are just some of the examples of how CG technology is evolving and improving every day. CG technology is not only a tool for entertainment, but also a powerful medium for storytelling, education, art, and innovation. We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about the latest CG technology with links and photos.
